Here are the steps to share wifi net through ethernet:
1. Start by opening control panel on the computer accessing the Wifi Signal (Computer 1)
2. Now click on Network and Internet
3. Then click on Network and Sharing Center
4. On the left hand side click Change Adapter Settings
5. You should then see all the connections set up on your PC. Right click on the Wireless Connection which will be currently connected to the internet and click Properties
6. Now select the Sharing Tab (if this does not appear click here for further instructions), tick the ‘Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection’. Then click the drop down arrow and select the Local Area Connection. Now click OK
8. Now on the other computer (Computer 2), repeat the previous stages 1-4 to view the Network Connections. Right click on the Wireless Connection and click Disable. Make sure the Local Area Connection is Enabled.